
PHP Scripts

Program Name Description
PHPUnzip Class
Version 1.0
A simple to use semi-stream based PHP class for reading and extracting the contents of a zip file for those in need of the functionality but do not have PHP compiled with zip support. Includes ability to output the zip contents to files instead of reading them into memory. Very easy to use and integrate to existing code. A detailed example is included.
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RSS Fetch
Version 0.4.3
An RSS 2.0/0.91 feed parser. This PHP4 Class greatly simplifies displaying RSS data on your webpage. It parses any valid RSS feed with <item> tags and allows you to customize the data on your webpage. It will cache feeds and update them however often you say. HTML templates allow you to include your own html code and include any tags the RSS feed contains using a custom #{tagname} variable. 0.4.3 added ability to start showing feeds from a given offset, instead of from the first. Example is down toward the bottom of the page.

Updated PHP5 version: Dapphp\RssParser

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Simple Download Counter
Version 1.0
A short script that can be used to track file downloads on your site. Uses a mysql database table to store data. Simple configuration. Automatically tracks new files after the first download. Simply link in the form download.php? and it starts counting. Uses cookies to track what files a person downloads so they are only counted once for each file they download.
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Users Online SQL
Version 1.0
This script keeps track of how many visitors are currently surfing your site. You can set the amount of time to keep a user "online" before they are filtered out of the list. Uses a mysql database table to track the visitors. Simple setup and usage. Has the option to supress the number of visitors online if you only want to use it for internal purposes or only show display on certain pages.
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Users Online FlatFile
Version 1.0
Same program as above, except this one uses a text file to store the visitors. Good for those who don't want the overhead of a database connection on low-mid traffic websites.

Windows Programs

Program Name Description
Visual RegExps
Version 1.5
This program is a tool for creating and working with regular expressions. You can type your regexps in and see them match the data real time, as well as see a list of all the matches found by the pattern. You can use this to help develop efficient and working regular expressions for your programs without having to spend lots of extra time debugging the expressions from inside a program.
Updated Version: Added ability to save expressions and recall them later. Also added the ability to turn off live matching to prevent slowdowns with very large patterns or data.
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Mäílíng Líst Clèänèr
Version 1.5.34
A program for managing mãìlìng lìsts collected by øpt-ìn førms ør spìdérìng méthøds. If you have a måîlîng lîst that may contain dùplïcãtës, malformed êmåîl åddrêssês, or you wish to filter the list based on keywords, this program will do all that for you. With 3 built in functions to remove dùpës, filter out user-defined keywords, and validate the äddrèssès in the list for proper format. You can also sort the list if you wish. Runs very fast. Using a list of 1.4 million address on a P4 2.6 Ghz cpu it loads the list in 8 seconds, validates format in 7 seconds, removed 68,000 dùplïcãtës in 35 seconds, and checked each ãddrëss for 10 unique keywords in 45 seconds, and sorts list in 14 seconds.
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HTTP Request
Version 1.0.6
This program helps construct HTTP requests to send to a webserver to retrieve webpages. Fill in the hostname, port, and file, along with any additional headers you would like to send and it constructs the request and then sends it, showing you the response headers and response body. Supports get, post, and head methods. Useful for debugging requests or just learning how HTTP protocol works. Updated Aug 2 05, fixed some memory allocation problems that caused crashes. Written in C for Windows, source code included.
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Win Hash Crack
Formerly Win MD5 Crack
Version 2.0
I made this out of boredom when a person was worried about storing their users' passwords as MD5 hashes in a database due to the recent collision in the algorithm. In light of that I wanted to see how fast the password I use could be brute forced. I tried a few similar programs but they didn't perform as fast as I thought they would, so I decided to implement a cracker of my own in C. To my satisfaction it was much faster than many I found, although I don't think this is anything close to the best, in fact I think brute forcing most types of hashed passwords is a waste of time in 2004. This program is able to hash and compare about 120,000 passwords per second on my P4 2.6 ghZ processor. Fixed threading to work on Win95/98. Some other benchmarks included in zip file. New version WinHashCrack Released January 26th 2006. Hash algorithms include MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, RMD-128, RMD-160, Tiger, and Whirlpool
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VXML (VoiceXML) Programs

What is VXML? Click here to find out.

Program Name Description
Navigation Menu
Version 1.0
VXML 2.0
Use this short VXML script as a navigation front page for all your URLs. When you call your application, instead of having to change the startup script each time to whatever program you are testing or want to hear, this allows you to choose from predefined programs. Especially good when you are away and unable to edit the starting URL.
Guessing Game
Version 1.0
VXML 2.0
A simple guessing game. This is good for learning basic VXML and getting familiar with the application structure and flow. Demonstrates basic error handling and voice recognition. Variables specify how many guesses the caller gets, and the lowest number, highest number, and whether or not to give hints.
Zodiac Reading
Version 1.0
VXML 2.0
This application allows you to call in and say your Zodiac sign. Horoscopes are fetched daily from VXML communicates with a server side PHP script to return the horoscopes from a text file. Also provides an interface to help the user find their sign if they dont know it.

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