In this sample file I will show the PHP code used to fetch the feeds, along with the actual output.
To liven up the look, you can put your output inside a table, or use stylesheets with the html templates
to improve the look of the feeds.

Version 0.4.3 added the ability to start showing feeds from a specified offset. As opposed to always showing feeds from the first, you can specify to start at a higher feed. Usage is shown below in the second example.

The prototype for the function to show the feeds is:
function rss_parser(string $url [, int $numtoshow = 10 [,string $html = "" [, bool $update = FALSE [, int $offset = 1]]]])

require_once "./rss_fetch.php";  //Include the class code
$url "";  //RSS Feed URL
$show 5;  //How many headlines to show
$html "<a href='#{link}' target='_new'>#{title}</a><br />";  //HTML Template
$update 1;  //The feed should update from this script
$rss = new rss_parser($url$show$html$update);  //Parse and Display

Couldn't open rss feed in /images/apps/rss.php
No item elements found in rss feed.
require_once "./rss_fetch.php";
$url "";
$show 3;
$html "<a href='#{link}' target='_new'>#{title}</a><br />#{description}<br /><br />";
$update 1;
$start 5;
$rss = new rss_parser($url$show$html$update$start);
//The optional 5th paramter tells which item to show feeds from.  So the 5 says to start from the 5th feed item.

No item elements found in rss feed.
301 Permanent Redirection

require_once "./rss_fetch.php";
$url "";
$show 5;
$html "<a href='#{link}' target='_new'>#{title}</a> <font size='1'>Added: #{pubDate}</font><br />";
$update 1;
$rss = new rss_parser($url$show$html$update);